
Writing is a skill needed far beyond the ELA classroom. Students need to know how to explain the solution to math problems, write argumentative social studies essays, detail the results of science labs, and much more.

By working one-on-one with your child, I can learn about their personal strengths and weaknesses. Then, we can put together a plan to make the difficult tasks a little easier each day. It will take practice. When the mechanics of writing are deeply forged, you will be amazed at what he or she will be able to express.

Key Benefits:

Imagine having a brilliant mind, but not being able to prove it to your teachers…or even to yourself. That’s what it’s like to have poor writing skills. With a little bit of guidance and a lot of hard work, your child can expect to gain:

  • Improvement in all coursework
  • The ability to share ideas clearly
  • A ton of organizational skills
  • Newly discovered confidence
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